Joshua Ellul is the Director of the Centre for Distributed Ledger Technologies at the University of Malta which has developed a multidisciplinary Masters in Blockchain and DLT taking in students from a ICT/Computer Science, Business or Legal background. He is also a senior lecturer within the Department of Computer Science in which his lectures are focused on Blockchain, the Internet of Things, Virtual Machines and Operating Systems.
He is also the Chairperson of the Malta Digital Innovation Authority, a world first to provide a national technology certification programme for Blockchain, DLT and Smart Contracts.
He has published papers in the blockchain domain including using AI to detect illicit activity in cryptocurrencies, programming models for blockchain and smart contract systems, verification of smart contracts, the intersection between blockchain and the IoT, and philosophical aspects of blockchain.
Video - De/centralisation and Humanity
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Apr 27, 2021
In this video Dr Joshua Ellul delves into how blockchain and decentralisation can facilitate a future that is more transparent and can support moving towards a direct democracy.
Blockchain is Dead! Long Live Blockchain!
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Long Live Blockchain!
Mar 25, 2021
Many have stated over the years that Blockchain is dead. Is it?
Reentrancy Bugs Part 2
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Oct 27, 2020
In the second part of this series on reentrancy bugs, we demonstrate what they are and how to avoid them.
Reentrancy Bugs (Getting Started with Solidity Programming for Ethereum Part 6)
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Sep 26, 2020
In this article we'll explain what a reentrancy bug is and how to avoid them.
This is article forms as part 6 of the Getting Started with Solidity Programming for Ethereum series: There are ample resources out there to get started with smart contract development. Many go into detail in regards to how Blockchains work, and the ins and outs of Ethereum. This article is intended for those who are less patient and want to create a first smart contract now.
Getting Started with Solidity Programming for Ethereum Part 5
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Sep 11, 2020
Part 5: There are ample resources out there to get started with smart contract development. Many go into detail in regards to how Blockchains work, and the ins and outs of Ethereum. This article is intended for those who are less patient and want to create a first smart contract now.
Getting Started with Solidity Programming for Ethereum Part 4
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Aug 28, 2020
Part 4: There are ample resources out there to get started with smart contract development. Many go into detail in regards to how Blockchains work, and the ins and outs of Ethereum. This article is intended for those who are less patient and want to create a first smart contract now.
Getting Started with Solidity Programming for Ethereum Part 3
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Aug 13, 2020
Part 3: There are ample resources out there to get started with smart contract development. Many go into detail in regards to how Blockchains work, and the ins and outs of Ethereum. This article is intended for those who are less patient and want to create a first smart contract now.
Getting Started with Solidity Programming for Ethereum Part 2
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Jul 29, 2020
Part 2: There are ample resources out there to get started with smart contract development. Many go into detail in regards to how Blockchains work, and the ins and outs of Ethereum. This article is intended for those who are less patient and want to create a first smart contract now.
Getting Started with Solidity Programming for Ethereum
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Jul 14, 2020
There are ample resources out there to get started with smart contract development. Many go into detail in regards to how Blockchains work, and the ins and outs of Ethereum. This article is intended for those who are less patient and want to create a first smart contract now.